Handle all of your back-office needs with one powerful application.
MLRes = Results management
The MLRes application sports a familiar and convenient Windows interface but has been written from the ground up to offer features rarely found in modern Windows applications. Features like:
- The application stores data in such a way that you can easily move all the data or any particular event with ease.
- The data MLRes stores is so optimised that it requires very little space and you can easily send whole events through email.
- This application DOES NOT require a powerful computer to run effectively.
- The application fully supports multi-user environments.
- Clear oversight of all available functionality.
Superior Oversight
The user interface is ground breaking in the oversight it offers with regards to data and functionality. The program is divided into three main areas:
A tree view on the left-hand side displays all range activities and when they are scheduled to occur. A selection here changes the focus of the application (event, day/time, participants involved, prizes offered, etc.)
- The tabs at the top group the above named areas of interest so you can make and review your changes.
- The central work area will change based on your tree and tab selection.
Competition Wizard
You can create new competitions simply by filling in the following information:
- Competition title and date
- Organization
- Number of events
- Select a Course of Fire for each event
- Choose any of the supported peripheral devices that you want to include
- Choose a separate finals round if you want one
The system is extremely flexible and allows you to manually set anything that you want so that you can create exactly the kind of competition that you desire, but normally you will probably only want to make minor changes to the system’s many available Course of Fire and Event templates.
The system supports major organisation shooting requirements (ISSF, DFS, FSR, NJFF, FSR) as well as any kind of custom shooting event that you could want to create.
Build your database as you go
Every participant is saved to your database of participants and over time you will build a complete directory of all your participants which makes creating new competitions a snap.
The program is delivered with complete organisation databases for DFS, FSR and NJFF
Network support
Because MLRes is multi-user you can delegate different responsibilities to different users.
Files and Print-outs
The program offers a large choice of print-outs that cover all the requirements of an official competition range. In addition to results lists you can generate statistics, time schedules, competition documentation, pre-competition announcements, mailing labels, money orders, and more.
All lists can also be edited. The system can utilise RTF files that provide full editing capability in Word and other RTF editors. You can also export the lists to HTML pages or even to plain text.
Data exchange with several electronic systems
MLRes supports data exchange with several major electronic targeting systems. MLRes currently supports the following systems:
- ML2000
- X-Link (via MLXLink)
- Kongsberg Mikroelektronikk
- Sius Ascor (pt. via MLRange for 9001, 9002, 921)
Club Shooting
The system for club-based shooting is easy to use but supports a myriad of club-based shooting requirements.
WEB page generation
MLRes can generate two type of web pages:
- WEB pages for automatic public display.
- WEB page for event announcer or club home page. Complete lists and navigation controls are created.
Functionality checklist
Full freedom with definition of prizes. Special support for:
- Cash prizes
- Trophy/Item prizes
Support for manual definition of shoot-offs
Full network support
Shooter database that grows over time
Import/Export to WEB announcements
User-defined classes and categories
User defined Courses of Fire (Series, Subtotals and Disciplines)
Predefined club/team at selected organisation level
Safe announcements with complete control over participants, classes and categories
Register payments
Register starting sums
Supports data exchange with ML2000, X-Link, KME and Sius
Prints out mailing labels, money orders, competition documents, results lists, statistics, time schedules and more
Print-outs can be exported to RTF, TXT and HTML
Control over ascending and descending shot-values while you type
Generates WEB pages for public display
Generates WEB pages for announcer or club homepage
Handy search functionality
Swap shooters at will